Devon Patriot

This site is operated in support of Patriotic British Nationals, and aims to keep Devon folk informed of events that happen within the county which don't get reported in the main stream media.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The Negro IQ – Is it a Hate Crime to Reveal the Truth?

In July an article appeared on this Blog entitled, Sick Britain; which concerned the unmarried mother of two mulatto children, Amy Crowhurst whose lifestyle choice was published in the Daily Mail.

An E-mail has been received critical of the use of a Negro’s IQ as the basis of the article.  An edited extract from the E-mail is detailed below:

Do be careful what you say about black people.  Some of your remarks could be considered to contravene some of the legislation passed recently.  I haven't got the legal references to hand at the moment, but I could get them.  The particular comment I am thinking of is the one about black people having a lower IQ than white people.  As a general rule when tests are taken en masse, this tends to apply, but it is only a rough generalisation and many black people are cleverer than many white people.  Just think of the notable people with a white mother and black (albeit mulatto) father.  Obama is the foremost, Kelly Holmes another.  The mix seems to be successful, especially with athletes.  What really concerns me is why people with just a smidgeon of colour in them are always considered to be black even where they know, or genetic tests show, that they are well over 50% white.  Have you thought what this says about us?  Black people themselves try to make something special out of it, but I think it is the remains of some really hard prejudice.

I consider inviting people to live in this country as the remains and the flip side of colonialism.  Once the British went to other countries to show their people how to live the good life.  Now we invite them to come here.  It is all part of our misguided superiority complex.

Back to brains and race; IQ, race and class is a minefield.  Beware of getting into it.  Having warned you against it, have you read Race, Evolution and Behaviour.  A Life History Perspective by J. Philippe Rushton?  You can get it on the internet via Arthur Kemp's bookstore, Astara Publications.  It is quite small, but quite wonderful in the scholarly way it sets things out.

 It's not black people per se that makes me against mass immigration.  It is importing poverty and crime and overcrowding that concerns me.

Do Negros have a lower IQ than Caucasians?   Well; the scientific evidence indicates that this is true.  The map below appears on the internet, and it clearly shows the average IQ of the different peoples throughout the world.

From the map it can be seen that Negros have an average IQ of 70, which is a full 30 point lower than that of Caucasians whose IQ is 100.  Saying that Negros have a lower IQ than Caucasians is a statement of scientific fact; so how can it be a hate crime to publish the truth?

It is true that many blacks are more clever than whites, but the numbers with an IQ of 120 are very low as can be seen from the statistical data extracted from the Normal Distribution curves (Bell Curve) detailing the IQ for each race.

Caucasians with an IQ of 120 or more equal approximately 10% of the population as indicated by the blue sector of the curve.  (For those mathematicians reading this, a Standard Deviation of 15 has been assumed.)

Negroids with an IQ of 120 or more equal approximately 1% of the population as indicated by the dark green sector of the curve.  (For those mathematicians reading this, a Standard Deviation of 18 has been assumed, which gives the curve greater spread - and positively discriminates in favour of the negro at the higher levels of intelligence.)

If a Standard  Deviation of 15 had been used for Negroids, then only 0.045% would have achieved an IQ level of 120 or more

The yellow sector of the curves indicates the overlap of IQ between Negroids and Caucasians; but most of this overlap is for IQ levels below 100.  As stated in the E-mail it is true that “many blacks are cleverer than white people”; however, most of those blacks will still have an IQ level below that of white people. 

One’s IQ is not the only thing that defines an individual’s success as a human being.  People with below average IQs can succeed in life if they possess other qualities such as; good health, physical fitness, hard-working, tenacity to achieve an objective, good interpersonal skills to name just a few.  Similarly a person with a high IQ can fail as an individual if they are lazy, unsociable, bad-tempered, arrogant and self-opinionated.

However, in general IQ is the best indicator of a person’s potential than any other human trait.  This is clearly shown by the achievements that the various races have made in the advancement of civilized society.  It’s clear that Caucasian and Chinese societies are far more stable and advanced than Negroid civilisations, in spite of the vast amount of aid given to African countries.  In fact Africa was at its most stable, productive and affluent during its years of European control – but of course to state this fact would be deemed racist by the politically-correct establishment.   It is true that in physical activities many Negros out-perform Caucasians, as the recent Olympics have shown where practically all the running events were won by either Negros or mulattos.   However, in academic and intellectual achievements the Negro is non-existent; but the mulatto has a presence in such people as Duke Ellington the great jazz bandleader, pianist and composer.        

The writer of the E-mail implies that we should modify our tone and refrain from mentioning IQ in any of our literature as it may be deemed a hate crime.  But surely, in a democracy like the United Kingdom isn’t freedom of speech sacrosanct; and didn’t millions of our youth give their lives in two world wars for the right to express one’s point of view free from the fear of prosecution.   This can best be expressed by the following quote wrongly attributed to Voltaire:     

“I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

It is too easy for people to be intimidated into conforming to the politically-correct dogma and bigotry enforced on them by the liberal/left-wing establishment, and there comes a point when one must make a stand against such tyranny.  By failing to communicate the truth concerning miscegenation to the general public is capitulating to the forces of oppression.  The re-educating of our people as to the dangers facing our nation as a result of mass immigration must be promoted at every opportunity even if it comes into conflict with the politically-correct thought police now entrenched within our society.   We have one weapon at our disposal that cannot be surpassed - and that is the truth.  Only by suppressing the truth can the enemies within our country maintain their supremacy, and this can best be defined by the following quote: 

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”

George Orwell

1 comment:

  1. Love everybody, but love the truth as well. God does not love it when people use lies and deceit regardless the reasons.
