Religious Discrimination in Britain
In Britain if a person displayed this picture in a public
location, then they would be immediately arrested and charged for committing
a hate crime against the Moslem
people within our country. The courts
would almost certainly impose a prison sentence on the culprit, in addition
to a hefty fine.
If a person displayed this picture in a public location, then
it would probably be considered a work
of art and the police would take no action. If a white indigenous Briton were to make a
complaint that it amounted to a hate
crime against the Christian community, then that person would be
condemned as a racist and face criminal charges.
Why are
indigenous Britons treated as second-class citizens in their own country, and
discriminated against if they proclaim their Christian faith; yet Moslems are
encouraged to pronounce their faith with loudspeakers blasting the call to pray
from the mosques to the detriment of the Christian community?
The cartoons above shows essentially the same
picture; the only difference being that in the first picture a Koran is
deposited in the lavatory bowl and is deemed a hate crime, while in the second it shows the Holy Bible and is
displayed humorously as a work of art. These cartoons may have been drawn as a
feature of jest, but in reality it displays what is known to be the true
situation in modern multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Britain.
An example in which the authorities avidly
promote Islam, whilst at the same time mercilessly persecuting Christians is
demonstrated by the actions of two Local Authorities, Norwich and Plymouth
In Plymouth the city council allows the local
Islamic organization Islam Plymouth ( set up a stall in the city centre so that
they can give out free copies of the Koran, DVDs and other literature to the
general public in the hope that they can get converts from the naïve and feeble
minded of the local indigenous population. Furthermore, their literature is
derogatory of other religions be it Christianity, Hinduism of Sikhism which
could be deemed a hateful.
Conversely, in Norwich the city council has
forbidden a Christian organization (The Farthing Trust) the use of a market
stall to promote their cause, as one person complained that their
literature was offensive. Reading through the literature concerned nothing
offensive is apparent – unless telling the unpalatable truth about Islam is now
a hateful act. Norwich Council reacted
by banning the Farthing Trust from using market stalls and other Council
property as detailed in the following letter.
Clearly, what is deemed offensive for Norwich must also relate to the people of Plymouth; consequently, procedures will be implemented by local Christian patriots to get the Islamic stall Plymouth banned from Drake’s Circus.
In addition to religious discrimination, the law treats Moslems more leniently than Christians when a supposed hate crime has been committed. The following cases high-lighted the fact that ethnic minorities were treated more leniently by the criminal justice system than indigenous Britons:
At Burton-on-Trent in
May 2010, Tohseef Shah spray painted on a British War Memorial the words
"Islam will dominate the World". He was fined £50 and walked free from
In London during November 2010, Emdadur Choudhury burnt a
poppy during the 2 minutes silence at a Remembrance Day ceremony. He too was given a fine £50 and walked free
from court.
In June 2012 Margaret
Walker of Fareham sent copies of the attached letter to various MPs and Councillors high-lighting the terrible fate of Charlene Downes. For this she
was given a 5 year ASBO and a fine of £5000.
Not exactly equality and justice being practiced indiscriminately in our courts of law!
Clearly, white indigenous Britons are the chief victims of religious discrimination within the United Kingdom, with committed Christian's losing their jobs for wearing a crucifix as it may offend Moslems; yet Moslems are permitted to wear Islamic dress regardless of the offence that it causes to the indigenous population.
It is time that the British people rebelled against their Dhimmi status, and started demanding that immigrants observe the practices and traditions of the indigenous people of these island - otherwise they should return from whence they came.
Only the British National Party has the moral courage to put the interests of the true British people before that of the welfare scrounging immigrants, and defend our Christian values.
Do be careful what you say about black people. Some of your remarks could be considered to contravene some of the legislation passed recently. I haven't got the legal references to hand at the moment, but I could get them. The particular comment I am thinking of is the one about black people having a lower IQ than white people. As a general rule when tests are taken en masse, this tends to apply, but it is only a rough generalisation and many black people are cleverer than many white people. Just think of the notable people with a white mother and black (albeit mulatto) father. Obama is the foremost, Kelly Holmes another. The mix seems to be successful, especially with athletes. What really concerns me is why people with just a smidgeon of colour in them are always considered to be black even where they know, or genetic tests show, that they are well over 50% white. Have you thought what this says about us? Black people themselves try to make something special out of it, but I think it is the remains of some really hard prejudice.
ReplyDeleteI consider inviting people to live in this country as the remains and the flip side of colonialism. Once the British went to other countries to show their people how to live the good life. Now we invite them to come here. It is all part of our misguided superiority complex.
Back to brains and race; IQ, race and class is a minefield. Beware of getting into it. Having warned you against it, have you read Race, Evolution and Behaviour. A Life History Perspective by J. Philippe Rushton? You can get it on the internet via Arthur Kemp's bookstore, Astara Publications. It is quite small, but quite wonderful in the scholarly way it sets things out.
It's not black people per se that makes me against mass immigration. It is importing poverty and crime and overcrowding that concerns me.