Devon Patriot

This site is operated in support of Patriotic British Nationals, and aims to keep Devon folk informed of events that happen within the county which don't get reported in the main stream media.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The Negro IQ – Is it a Hate Crime to Reveal the Truth?

In July an article appeared on this Blog entitled, Sick Britain; which concerned the unmarried mother of two mulatto children, Amy Crowhurst whose lifestyle choice was published in the Daily Mail.

An E-mail has been received critical of the use of a Negro’s IQ as the basis of the article.  An edited extract from the E-mail is detailed below:

Do be careful what you say about black people.  Some of your remarks could be considered to contravene some of the legislation passed recently.  I haven't got the legal references to hand at the moment, but I could get them.  The particular comment I am thinking of is the one about black people having a lower IQ than white people.  As a general rule when tests are taken en masse, this tends to apply, but it is only a rough generalisation and many black people are cleverer than many white people.  Just think of the notable people with a white mother and black (albeit mulatto) father.  Obama is the foremost, Kelly Holmes another.  The mix seems to be successful, especially with athletes.  What really concerns me is why people with just a smidgeon of colour in them are always considered to be black even where they know, or genetic tests show, that they are well over 50% white.  Have you thought what this says about us?  Black people themselves try to make something special out of it, but I think it is the remains of some really hard prejudice.

I consider inviting people to live in this country as the remains and the flip side of colonialism.  Once the British went to other countries to show their people how to live the good life.  Now we invite them to come here.  It is all part of our misguided superiority complex.

Back to brains and race; IQ, race and class is a minefield.  Beware of getting into it.  Having warned you against it, have you read Race, Evolution and Behaviour.  A Life History Perspective by J. Philippe Rushton?  You can get it on the internet via Arthur Kemp's bookstore, Astara Publications.  It is quite small, but quite wonderful in the scholarly way it sets things out.

 It's not black people per se that makes me against mass immigration.  It is importing poverty and crime and overcrowding that concerns me.

Do Negros have a lower IQ than Caucasians?   Well; the scientific evidence indicates that this is true.  The map below appears on the internet, and it clearly shows the average IQ of the different peoples throughout the world.

From the map it can be seen that Negros have an average IQ of 70, which is a full 30 point lower than that of Caucasians whose IQ is 100.  Saying that Negros have a lower IQ than Caucasians is a statement of scientific fact; so how can it be a hate crime to publish the truth?

It is true that many blacks are more clever than whites, but the numbers with an IQ of 120 are very low as can be seen from the statistical data extracted from the Normal Distribution curves (Bell Curve) detailing the IQ for each race.

Caucasians with an IQ of 120 or more equal approximately 10% of the population as indicated by the blue sector of the curve.  (For those mathematicians reading this, a Standard Deviation of 15 has been assumed.)

Negroids with an IQ of 120 or more equal approximately 1% of the population as indicated by the dark green sector of the curve.  (For those mathematicians reading this, a Standard Deviation of 18 has been assumed, which gives the curve greater spread - and positively discriminates in favour of the negro at the higher levels of intelligence.)

If a Standard  Deviation of 15 had been used for Negroids, then only 0.045% would have achieved an IQ level of 120 or more

The yellow sector of the curves indicates the overlap of IQ between Negroids and Caucasians; but most of this overlap is for IQ levels below 100.  As stated in the E-mail it is true that “many blacks are cleverer than white people”; however, most of those blacks will still have an IQ level below that of white people. 

One’s IQ is not the only thing that defines an individual’s success as a human being.  People with below average IQs can succeed in life if they possess other qualities such as; good health, physical fitness, hard-working, tenacity to achieve an objective, good interpersonal skills to name just a few.  Similarly a person with a high IQ can fail as an individual if they are lazy, unsociable, bad-tempered, arrogant and self-opinionated.

However, in general IQ is the best indicator of a person’s potential than any other human trait.  This is clearly shown by the achievements that the various races have made in the advancement of civilized society.  It’s clear that Caucasian and Chinese societies are far more stable and advanced than Negroid civilisations, in spite of the vast amount of aid given to African countries.  In fact Africa was at its most stable, productive and affluent during its years of European control – but of course to state this fact would be deemed racist by the politically-correct establishment.   It is true that in physical activities many Negros out-perform Caucasians, as the recent Olympics have shown where practically all the running events were won by either Negros or mulattos.   However, in academic and intellectual achievements the Negro is non-existent; but the mulatto has a presence in such people as Duke Ellington the great jazz bandleader, pianist and composer.        

The writer of the E-mail implies that we should modify our tone and refrain from mentioning IQ in any of our literature as it may be deemed a hate crime.  But surely, in a democracy like the United Kingdom isn’t freedom of speech sacrosanct; and didn’t millions of our youth give their lives in two world wars for the right to express one’s point of view free from the fear of prosecution.   This can best be expressed by the following quote wrongly attributed to Voltaire:     

“I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

It is too easy for people to be intimidated into conforming to the politically-correct dogma and bigotry enforced on them by the liberal/left-wing establishment, and there comes a point when one must make a stand against such tyranny.  By failing to communicate the truth concerning miscegenation to the general public is capitulating to the forces of oppression.  The re-educating of our people as to the dangers facing our nation as a result of mass immigration must be promoted at every opportunity even if it comes into conflict with the politically-correct thought police now entrenched within our society.   We have one weapon at our disposal that cannot be surpassed - and that is the truth.  Only by suppressing the truth can the enemies within our country maintain their supremacy, and this can best be defined by the following quote: 

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”

George Orwell

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Will the South West be the Last Citadel of Anglo-Celtic Civilization?

How the Immigrant and Islamic Invasion Affects You!

So far Devon has been relatively free from the effects of mass immigration that has blighted many of our cities with the formation of immigrant ghettos from which indigenous Britons have been ethnically cleansed.  In many of these Islamic ghettos Sharia Law is pre-dominant, and they are unsafe for an indigenous Briton to enter; let alone the police.  The ghettos where the Negro dominates have degenerated into cesspits of violence, muggings, prostitution and drug abuse.   Those indigenous Britons that remain in these ghettos live in constant fear of racial abuse; for if they complain to the police they will themselves face prosecution – as any criticism of Islam or ethnic minorities will be construed as a hate crime against the immigrant community.   

Although Devon has not been directly affected by mass immigration, the indirect effects have been devastating for the local settled indigenous community who have had to endure the following:

White Flight

Immigrant settlement in our cities has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous populations from these areas as they see no future for their children as their Christian values and traditions are trashed to accommodate the needs of the immigrants.  In desperation the indigenous residents are forced to sell their homes and flee to pastures new, free from the influences of the immigrant invaders.  Many of these white flighters will come to Devon where they still see a part of the country that they believe will remain forever England.  It is not just individuals and families that see white flight as an escape from the curse of alien colonisation, but businesses are often forced to re-locate as it becomes harder for them to find educated and skilled workers capable of being trained to meeting the requirements.     

The Affect on Housing

White Flighters flushed with money from the sale of their inner-city house will always be in a position to outbid a local Devon resident in the purchase of housing in the area.  Consequently, house prices have risen to meet the demand of the White Flighters, with the result that locals are priced out of the market. The average cost of a house in Devon is more than eight times the average Devon wage. The average annual wage in Devon is supposed to be in the region of £24,000; but in reality not many people are earning that amount – it is more realistic to use the mode wage for Devon which is in the region of £22,000 per annum.

What little social housing exists in Devon is quickly taken up by immigrants who are given priority over locals.  Birmingham council has even purchased some 60 houses in the new development of Cranbrooke so that they can dump their surplus immigrant population onto the once homogenous lands of Devon. 

The Affect on Jobs

White Flighters and immigrants moving into Devon provide more competition for the few jobs that become available, with the consequence that employers can offer lower wages to their employees.  Even organizations that relocate to Devon bring in very few high calibre jobs, as they tend to bring their key workers with them – as in the case of the Meteorological Office that moved all their important staff members from Bracknell to Exeter.  Like all expatriate workers immigrants are prepared to work for very low wages as living in temporary accommodation they do not have the overheads that the resident population has to endure, and any taxes they do pay are re-imbursed when they return to their native countries for their annual holiday.  Immigrant workers from the EU can even claim welfare benefits for children living in their home countries; so in reality these workers are actually better off financially than indigenously Britons working under similar conditions.

The Affect on Taxes

Immigrants cost you, the tax-payer, a fortune.  Asylum seekers receive: welfare benefits; free housing; have their gas, electricity, water and telephone bills paid; even their TV license is paid for!  In addition to all this they get free healthcare and legal aid for multiple appeals against deportation instigated by greedy lawyers who can’t believe their luck by being given a never-ending source of untold wealth.  Other immigrants get welfare benefits, free legal aid, priority for housing, free healthcare, free education for their children all without paying a penny in taxes.  It’s the impoverished indigenous Britons who have to foot the bill, and suffer the indignation of being treated as second-class citizens in their own country.

The Affect on the National Health Service

Immigrants get full medical care at tax-payers expense, even though they haven’t contributed a penny in taxation.  Apart from pensioners, it is estimated that the NHS spends almost four times as much treating an immigrant as it does on treating an indigenous Briton.  Tuberculosis was once eliminated from Britain, but with mass immigration it has returned and is costing the tax-payer millions to cure.  Immigrants from Africa have brought AIDS into the country, with many of these affected immigrants getting free treatment.  Health tourism, where a foreigner with an illness comes to the country and gets treated on the NHS is costing us a fortune; as they then leave the country without paying their bill.  Another health tourism scam is for foreign pregnant women to come to Britain and present themselves at the first NHS hospital to give birth; the baby then has British nationality, and the mother returns home with her new baby without paying the bill.  The high birth-rate among immigrants is also putting a strain on NHS midwifery resources, the system was never expected to cope with mass immigration and their high levels of fertility.

The Affect on the Environment

The maximum sustainable population of the United Kingdom is said to be some 27 million folk (although most other estimates put it less than that figure), with a current population in excess of 61 million the UK is grossly overcrowded.  Britain has twice the population density of Germany, four times the population density of France; and twelve times the population density of the USA.  So it’s clear that Britain cannot sustain any more growth in population. To accommodate these immigrants means building evermore houses on green-field sites, so destroying the environment and drastically reducing the amount of agricultural land available for food production.

The Affect on Our Way of Life

Immigration changes the character of our towns and cities forever.  Places lose their character as immigrant populations stamp their own cultural identity on the town by: taking over the shops that indigenous people are unable to operate cost effectively in a legitimate manner; intimidating the indigenous population such that they feel threatened and flee the area, so providing housing for yet more immigrants; converting churches into mosques, and vandalizing historical buildings of any Christian features.  To appease the immigrants even established supermarkets sell only halal meats regardless of the wishes of those indigenous folk who still remain. Christianity is not taught in schools as it may offend the Moslems; however, Islam is taught regardless of what the Christians want.  In our schools immigrant children demand more of the teacher’s time, consequently indigenous children suffer as less individual attention is spent on their education.  In some areas Sharia law takes precedence over British law and is recognised as superior in cases of divorce and family law.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Religious Discrimination in Britain

In Britain if a person displayed this picture in a public location, then they would be immediately arrested and charged for committing a hate crime against the Moslem people within our country.  The courts would almost certainly impose a prison sentence on the culprit, in addition to a hefty fine.

If a person displayed this picture in a public location, then it would probably be considered a work of art and the police would take no action.  If a white indigenous Briton were to make a complaint that it amounted to a hate crime against the Christian community, then that person would be condemned as a racist and face criminal charges.

Why are indigenous Britons treated as second-class citizens in their own country, and discriminated against if they proclaim their Christian faith; yet Moslems are encouraged to pronounce their faith with loudspeakers blasting the call to pray from the mosques to the detriment of the Christian community?

The cartoons above shows essentially the same picture; the only difference being that in the first picture a Koran is deposited in the lavatory bowl and is deemed a hate crime, while in the second it shows the Holy Bible and is displayed humorously as a work of art.  These cartoons may have been drawn as a feature of jest, but in reality it displays what is known to be the true situation in modern multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Britain.

An example in which the authorities avidly promote Islam, whilst at the same time mercilessly persecuting Christians is demonstrated by the actions of two Local Authorities, Norwich and Plymouth Councils.

In Plymouth the city council allows the local Islamic organization Islam Plymouth ( set up a stall in the city centre so that they can give out free copies of the Koran, DVDs and other literature to the general public in the hope that they can get converts from the naïve and feeble minded of the local indigenous population. Furthermore, their literature is derogatory of other religions be it Christianity, Hinduism of Sikhism which could be deemed a hateful. 

Conversely, in Norwich the city council has forbidden a Christian organization (The Farthing Trust) the use of a market stall to promote their cause, as one person complained that their literature was offensive. Reading through the literature concerned nothing offensive is apparent – unless telling the unpalatable truth about Islam is now a hateful act.  Norwich Council reacted by banning the Farthing Trust from using market stalls and other Council property as detailed in the following letter.  

Clearly, what is deemed offensive for Norwich must also relate to the people of Plymouth; consequently, procedures will be implemented by local Christian patriots to get the Islamic stall Plymouth banned from Drake’s Circus.

In addition to religious discrimination, the law treats Moslems more leniently than Christians when a supposed hate crime has been committed.  The following cases high-lighted the fact that ethnic minorities were treated more leniently by the criminal justice system than indigenous Britons:  

At Burton-on-Trent in May 2010, Tohseef Shah spray painted on a British War Memorial the words "Islam will dominate the World".  He was fined £50 and walked free from court.

In London during November 2010, Emdadur Choudhury burnt a poppy during the 2 minutes silence at a Remembrance Day ceremony.  He too was given a fine £50 and walked free from court.

In June 2012 Margaret Walker of Fareham sent copies of the attached letter to various MPs and Councillors high-lighting the terrible fate of Charlene Downes.  For this she was given a 5 year ASBO and a fine of £5000.

Not exactly equality and justice being practiced indiscriminately in our courts of law!

Clearly, white indigenous Britons are the chief victims of religious discrimination within the United Kingdom, with committed Christian's losing their jobs for wearing a crucifix as it may offend Moslems; yet Moslems are permitted to wear Islamic dress regardless of the offence that it causes to the indigenous population. 

It is time that the British people rebelled against their Dhimmi status, and started demanding that immigrants observe the practices and traditions of the indigenous people of these island - otherwise they should return from whence they came.

Only the British National Party has the moral courage to put the interests of the true British people before that of the welfare scrounging immigrants, and defend our Christian values.