The Stephen Lawrence Legacy –
The Waterloo Train Martyrs
The following article appeared in the Guardian concerning some Charlton
Athletic FC supporters who have been wrongly imprisoned for exercising their
human right to freedom of speech. My
comments are shown in as red arial typeface.
Seven football
supporters have been jailed for between eight and 18 months after they chanted
songs that "glorify and idolise" the murderers of black teenager
Stephen Lawrence.
Charlton Athletic supporters, who had been at an FA Cup match against Fulham on
January 7 last year, were jailed for their abusive behaviour on a train from
Putney to Waterloo.
men, aged between 22 and 31, were convicted at Blackfriars Crown Court of
causing racially aggravated fear of violence after witnesses complained of
sexual and racially motivated abuse.
Baljit Ubhey, prosecuting, said the language of the fans had left people
"shocked and disgusted".
Baljit Ubhey doesn’t sound very British. Clearly he is of Indian/Pakistani ethnicity
employed by the Crown Prosecution Service (Which is 33% manned by people of
immigrant descent according to a recent Freedom of Information request) and is
hardly likely to be unbiased in his professional activities.
Where is the evidence that this group of men were intimidating and threatening passengers with violence? This is without doubt a fabrication of the evidence by the CPS to vilify a group of innocent men who were merely exercising their right to freedom of expression – a freedom that our forefathers sacrificed their lives to preserve.
"These men were singing and chanting racist abuse in praise of the convicted murderers of Stephen Lawrence. To glorify and idolise these men was disturbing and upsetting."
Amazingly, in all the reports on this trial there is no reference to the actual words spoken by the accused that were deemed ‘racially or sexually abusive’. Why should this be? Clearly, the Court does not want the general public to know – which is all very sinister. One can only assume that the language used was so trivial, that the general public would wonder what all the fuss was about and demand for their release. Furthermore, the evidence for the conviction of those accused of Stephen Lawrence’s murder is in doubt, which in any other trial would have been declared inadmissible by the Judge. So, in this instance the accused were only trying to enlighten the passenger on the train to the miscarriage of justice that had been inflicted on those falsely convicted of the Stephen Lawrence murder.
“Their racially and sexually abusive language left members of the public shocked and disgusted”. Witnesses said they felt intimidated and feared there was a real and significant risk of violence.
"I would like to thank the witnesses who came forward and gave evidence to support this prosecution. I hope these convictions stand as a warning that racist and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated in our city," he said.
Who were these witnesses that claim to have been ‘shocked and disgusted’, we don’t know! Their identity remains secret, why?
Passengers on the train between Putney and Waterloo contacted police after hearing the group of men chanting songs about Gary Dobson - who had recently been found guilty of murdering black teenager Stephen Lawrence in April 1993.
How on Earth can singing about Gary Dobson, who has been wrongly imprisoned for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, be considered ‘racist’ behaviour? Since when has it been a crime to express your point of view, regardless if others disagree with the points expressed.
British Transport Police, in collaboration with Charlton Athletic Football Club worked to identify the men leading to their arrest two weeks after the incident.
Mick Everett, Charlton FC's Head of Operations, said: "The club was shocked to hear of the rowdy, intimidating behaviour, and the chanting of racist songs on a train by a handful of our supporters.
"Their actions are totally condemned by everyone at the club and indeed, I am sure, by Charlton supporters everywhere.
"Although this isolated incident does not reflect on the overwhelming majority of our fans, these arrests are a kick in the teeth to everyone associated with the club, who have put so much effort into our campaign over the years.
"The club will now look to impose additional appropriate sanctions on those involved."
What a pathetic comment from Mick Everett; how can he possible speak for the all members and supporters of Charlton Athletic FC. Reading the comments in a local newspaper, it was clear that an overwhelming majority of the commentors were very sympathetic towards the jailed fans, and thought that their jail terms were out of order considering the triviality of the offences.
Detective Sergeant Jane Hill, from British Transport Police, said: "The actions of these men were both offensive and extremely intimidating to other passengers on board the train at the time.
"An investigation was swiftly launched to gather evidence and by working closely with Charlton Athletic FC, coupled with excellent CCTV footage, intelligence reports and statements from witnesses, we were able to move quickly to trace the men."
She added: "This minority blight the rail journeys of many ordinary passengers and stain the reputation of the game and the country. They also continue to cause us problems that require significant resources to contain."
Why did the police devote valuable time and resources for such a trivial incident. There was never any possibility of violence or criminal activity, the accused were merely expressing their frustration at the injustice of the Stephen Lawrence affair in a harmless manner that intimidated no-one. Only a malicious politically-correct bigot could have seized on this occurrence to create a racist incident, merely because it conflicted with their personal prejudices.
The men received a variety of sentences and football banning orders.
David Bone, 23, and Daniel Clay, 31, from south-east London, were each jailed for 18 months and given an eight-year football banning order.
The same eight year match ban was imposed on Ben Boylett, 26, of Lamberton Street, London, and Jason Butler, 31, of Mottisfont Road, south east London, who were also given one year in prison.
Sean Fowle, of Smithies Road, Abbey Wood, and Aaron Phinbow, of Abbey Wood Road, Abbey Wood, London, who are both 25-years-old, also received an eight year ban and eight months behind bars.
Jake Embery, 22, of Mickleham Road, Orpington, London, was given a six month suspended sentence, a four year match ban and ordered to pay £3,000 costs.
These sentences are unprecedented
for such a trivial incident, at the most one would have expected a few hours
community service for mere boisterous behaviour.
This begs the question: why did the police and Crown
Prosecution Service (CPS) go to such trouble to prosecute
these football supporters? From the
details concerning the men convicted of this supposedly racist behaviour, there is no evidence to suggest that they have
ever had any previous record of such behaviour.
These were just noisy boisterous football fans that can be found in any
town when the local team is playing, and although their behaviour may not have
been to everyone’s taste it was certainly nothing out of the ordinary for such
occasions. From the reports in the press
it would appear that these men were merely expressing their righteous anger at
the injustice meted out on Gary Dobson and David Norris for the alleged murder
of the small-time drug dealer Stephen Lawrence.
The witnesses were not named, nor is there any
indication of how many there were, or what their ethnicity was. In all probability only one person of ethnic
descent took offence and made an unwarranted complaint to the police. The police then over-reacted and sought other
passengers (probably of ethnic descent) who could be coerced to act as
witnesses so that evidence could be fabricated and charges brought against
these football fans.
The CPS, (An institutionalised
anti-white hate organisation, staffed by ethnics and left-wing bigots) instead
of preparing charges for a petty misdemeanour to be heard at the Magistrate’s
Court, decided to bring grossly over-inflated charges against these defendants
to be heard at the Crown Court at additional cost to the tax-payer.
The Judge hearing this case was grossly excessive in
sentencing the accused; and one must wonder what his motive was. Has he been subjected to pressure from the
Home Office to make an example of these football fans? It’s difficult to understand the harshness of
these sentences, when in a recent case four Somali women (shown in pictures
below) who racially attacked a white women and called her a White Slag were given six months
suspended sentences. One can only assume
that Judges are now appointed on their politically-correct credentials and not
on their ability to dispense justice fairly and proportionately.
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Hibo Maxamed
Aged 20
Ambara Maxamed
Aged 24
Ayan Maxamed
Aged 28
Ifrah Nur
Aged 28
The CPS failed to bring charges of racial aggravation, even
though they were heard to call the victim a
white slag.
The jury should have seen that this was a politically
motivated case, and had the power to find these men not guilty; but being London it is most probable that the jury were
predominately from an immigrant background, so the possibility of getting an
unbiased jury was highly unlikely.
What now for the Martyrs?
It should be apparent to all intelligent people that a
gross miscarriage of justice has been inflicted on these football fans. Because of the severity of these sentences
in comparison to the triviality of the alleged offence, one can only assume
that this was a political show trial;
deliberately set up by the Government to appease the sensitivities of London’s
immigrant communities and to confirm that the white indigenous population are
now its second class citizens.
These convictions are clearly an attack on freedom of
expression with state sponsored oppression for anybody who dares to question
the politically-correct doctrines dictated by the liberal/left-wing
establishment – a truly Orwellian
state of affairs. By questioning the
validity of the conviction for the Stephen Lawrence murder, these football fans
clearly challenged the state version of events.
By claiming that an incident can be construed as being racially aggravating is a means used by
the politically-correct establishment to silence any dissenters who are not
willing to accept the doctrines being forced on them by immigrant extremist
groups. However, in this instance the
politically-correct establishment may have overstepped the mark, as there is
huge public sympathy for these victims of state sponsored oppression of free
speech; so instead of turning them into criminals they have actually created
martyrs in the pursuit of freedom against state sponsored tyranny.
It is the duty of any freedom loving individual to
speak out against these convictions, such that the establishment is forced to
change its stance on state sponsored institutional
anti-white racism. Perhaps if
someone could set up a petition for this case to be debated in the House of
Commons; it would be a step in the right direction.
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