Devon Patriot

This site is operated in support of Patriotic British Nationals, and aims to keep Devon folk informed of events that happen within the county which don't get reported in the main stream media.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

When is a Murder Deemed a Racially Aggravated Hate Crime? 

According to reports in the media, in approximately 50% of inter-racial murders the victim is white and the aggressor is non-white.  As non-whites only make up 10% of the population it is safe to conclude that a black or other non-white immigrant is almost 9 times more likely to commit an inter-racial murder than an indigenous white person.

However, if a white person kills a black or other non-white it is always recorded as a racially aggravated hate crime.  Yet if a Negro or Asian murders a white it is very rarely, if ever, classed as a racially aggravated hate crime.

The difference in which a Caucasian and Negro victim of murder is treated can be illustrated in the Stephen Lawrence and Charlene Downes cases, as detailed below.

Stephen Lawrence was a known drug pusher and supporter of the racist Black Power organization – hence the clenched fist black supremacist salute shown in the picture.  

Stephen is often portrayed as a dedicated “A” level student and a pillar of the community, yet this is not based on any factual evidence.  It is suggested that he was studying to become an architect, but there is no evidence to support this. Clearly, this has been fabricated to enhance his reputation; when in reality he was part of the racist black gangland culture that prevails around the Eltham area of London.

Stephen was murdered by a rival gang; there was NO racial motive – it was purely a case of gang warfare for the control of the local area.

Charlene Downes was an innocent vulnerable schoolgirl living with her parents in Blackpool when she was approached by a gang of Moslem men of Pakistani origin who flattered her into accepting them as her friends – in reality she was being groomed for sexual exploitation.

She was repeatedly raped and used for prostitution by her groomers; but she felt too ashamed and afraid to tell her parents of the abuse she had been subjected to.  Afraid that Charlene would expose the Moslem gang for their sexual exploitation, the groomers (after group raping her) murdered her in the room above their kebab shop.

To dispose of her body the gang cut her into pieces and passed her parts through an industrial meat mincing machine. Her minced body meat was then sold to the general public in the kebabs cooked on their premises.

For both of these crimes extensive police investigations were undertaken with the result that the following suspects were arrested, and subsequently committed to trail.

In 1996 Gary Dobson and David Norris (Shown above) together with Jamie Acourt, Neil Acourt and Luke Knight were committed to trial for the murder of Stephen Lawrence under a private prosecution.

Charges against Jamie Acourt and David Norris were dismissed due to insufficient evidence.  The evidence submitted by Duwayne Brooks was found to be inadmissible (dishonest), consequently the case collapsed with Neil Acourt, Luke Knight and Gary Dobson being formally acquitted; and under the double jeopardy rules cannot be charged for the same crime again. 

The defendants received no compensation for wrongful arrest.

Mohammed Reveshi and Iyad Albettikhl (shown above) were put on trail at Preston Crown Court in 2007 for the murder of Charlene Downes. 

It is now a documented fact that several members of the jury were intimidated by friends of the defendants when “Asian men” followed them to their homes and stood outside their gates saying “we KNOW where you live”.   It has also come to light that, during the trial, a member of the jury was very closely involved with one of the defendants and even visited him in his cell during the trial!  Consequently the jury failed to reach a verdict; but for some reason the Crown Prosecution Service failed to call for a re-trial.

These two murderers have been awarded up to £250,000 compensation for wrongful arrest.

Now, one would have thought that this was the end for both of these cases.  Not so; the Labour government under the arch-traitor Tony Blair saw an opportunity to increase Labour’s share of the ethnic vote.  To do this they implemented a judicial inquiry into the Stephen Lawrence case headed by a retired High Court Judge Sir William Macpherson.   The Macpherson Report proved to be the most dishonest piece of politically-correct dogma ever produced.  It was clearly produced at the behest of the Labour government to maliciously slur the police force with fabricated accusations of institutional racism – although in the report he failed to give specific examples.   The most controversial aspects of the report was for the introduction of a new offence – that of a hate crime.  The Macpherson Report defined a hate crime as:

“Any hate incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate.”

The very fact that the word ‘perceived’ is used to define a hate crime means that for the first time in British judicial history the truth and actual proof of a crime being committed is of no consequence; as an alleged victim’s perception of being subjected to hateful treatment takes precedence over factual evidence.  The Labour government accepted the report in its entirety without questioning any of its findings, regardless of the numerous flaws high-lighted by many prominent people.  The most obvious flaw was the fact that its findings only related to ethnic minorities – it assumed that indigenous white Britons would never be the victims of hate crimes inflicted on them by the newly empowered immigrant communities, and that only white people committed hate crimes.   The Labour government’s rash acceptance of the report and its subsequent changes to the law did not eliminate institutional racism; it vastly promoted it in the form of institutional anti-white racism.         
The Macpherson report resulted in the birth of institutional anti-white racist organizations such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) whose sole purpose is to promote the interests of the ethnic minorities, and demonize the indigenous population as bigoted racist thugs.  Some parts of the report that has now been embodied within our law including the requirement for organisations to implement a policy of positive discrimination and affirmative action in the recruitment and promotion of their employees.  This has resulted in the over-representation of ethnic minorities in government organizations, with the standard of competence being lowered to accommodate the less qualified and less able immigrant candidates.  In organizations like the BBC it is now hard to spot the white, male, hetero-sexual presenter as women and ethnic minorities overwhelmingly dominate the scene.  Another change in the law as a result of this report was the repeal of the double-jeopardy law that prevented a person being tried more than once for the same offence.  

The politically-correct bigots of the liberal left-wing establishment used the Stephen Lawrence affair as a means of promoting their political agenda of venerating the ethnic minorities at the expense of denigrating the indigenous population’s traditions, morals and culture.  The media has devoted so much publicity to the Stephen Lawrence gangland killing that other genuine racist murders, such as Kriss Donald, Christopher Yates and Ben Kinsela, have never been mentioned.  The liberal establishment even placed a memorial plaque at the location where Stephen Lawrence was supposed to have died.

The Stephen Lawrence murder has witnessed a frenzied outpouring by the main stream media to establish their politically-correct credentials by comparing this small-time gangland drug-pusher to that of a paragon of virtue, who’s every deed was portrayed as an act of selfless benevolence.  Such was the establishment’s desire to promote diversity and multi-culturalism that it allowed Stephen Lawrence to be elevated to the status of a national hero - a Saint even!

To commemorate his virtual beautification a plaque has been place at the location where he was killed.  The site is monitored by CCTV so that it will not be vandalized by people who are disgusted by this over-reaction to an alleged racist murder, particularly when a multitude of white victims of hate crimes are not officially acknowledged as such.

The top picture shows the Moslem take-away, Funny Boyz, where Charlene Downes was raped, murdered, dissected, minced and sold as kebabs.  It has since changed its name to Mr Beanz in an attempt to conceal its infamous past.

No memorial to Charlene exists at the location, and any attempt by friends and family to hold a vigil and place a wreath at the site in her memory has been met with police harassment and accusations of inciting racial hatred.    

Many people have jumped onto the Stephen Lawrence bandwagon to further their own interests.  The vast amount of racial discrimination laws and human rights legislation enabled the Wicked Witch Cherie Blair to set up the Matrix Chambers specializing in the extraction of tax-payers money for the pursuit of questionable racial discrimination cases.  The Human Rights industry, promoted by greedy lawyers and corrupt judges, extracts £billions from the tax-payer and private companies each year and is seriously damaging Britain’s economic recovery as employers are bombarded with spurious racial discrimination charges. 

How have the parents of these two murder victims fared?  Below are the details of each set of parents, and it is very apparent that they have not been treated equally.   

The parents of Stephen Lawrence, Neville and Doreen Lawrence, have been given as much hero worship by the liberal-left establishment and politically-correct media as their murdered son.

The liberal establishment had always placed the Lawrence’s at the centre of all their actions to further their goal of institutional anti-white racism. They have always been portrayed as hard-working, with wholesome family values and the pillars of society; but the victims of white racial harassment since their arrival from Jamaica in the 1950s.  The liberal establishment used the Lawrence’s to found an organization called the Stephen Lawrence Trust – a left-wing lottery funded charity to promote black people to the exclusion of indigenous white folk.  For lending their names to this trust both Neville and Doreen were awarded the OBE.

The Lawrence’s were awarded some £250,000 of tax-payer's money in compensation for the emotional stress they suffered due to the loss of their son.

As a result of her supposed selfless devotion to the black community, Doreen has been appointed a Baroness and will sit in the House of Lords.  It is difficult to understand why this should be as in reality she merely allowed her name to be used by the Stephen Lawrence Trust, but did nothing else of any worth.

The parents of Charlene Downes, Robert and Karen Downes, have been given no such hero worship by the liberal-left establishment, but have instead been portrayed as white trash.

Karen Downes has had no support from the liberal establishment – in fact quite the opposite.  When the two men accused of Charlene’s murder were acquitted. Karen was naturally distressed and tweeted that they should have been sentenced to death.  The extremist left-wing organization Unite Against Fascism accused Karen of inciting people to murder, and orchestrated a campaign of hate towards her.  The venom directed towards the Downes’s was hateful to the extreme, calling them benefit scum and lazy work-shy trash.  Naturally, the police made no effort to apprehend these hateful liberal bigots.

When Karen endeavoured to hold a protest outside of the kebab shop where Charlene met her death, she was threatened by the police for committing a hate crime and has subsequently been banned from approaching the shop and handing out literature explaining the circumstances surrounding Charlene’s murder.

The Downes' have not been awarded any compensation for the loss of their daughter.  No charity has been setup in memory to Charlene or other girls groomed by Moslems to satisfy their sexual perversions.  Karen has not yet been appointed a Baroness.        

With the repeal of the double jeopardy law, the police managed to get enough DNA evidence to re-open the trail; and with the Crown Prosecution Service managing to select a compliant jury, David Norris and Gary Dobson were put on trial for racial aggravated murder.  The basis for re-opening the trial was based on flimsy DNA evidence; furthermore, there was no evidence to suggest it was racially motivated.  Below is a review of the DNA evidence written while the jury were out deliberating on their verdict. 

The Stephen Lawrence stabbing murder case verdict was expected to be not-guilty due to unreliable DNA evidence seems certain. It soon became evident that the new case has been built on unreliable DNA evidence, as there is a very good chance that cross-contamination has occurred

It has emerged that a bag containing Stephen Lawrence’s blood-stained jacket had been put in a bag containing a suspect’s clothing prior the crucial evidence being put into storage for a number of years.  In addition, clothes which had been recovered from the home of one of the two men accused of killing him, individually bagged to avoid forensic cross-contamination, had been placed into the same plastic sack when the investigation ground to a virtual halt back in the 90′s.

Evidence was placed into storage in 1995, following the unsolved 1993 investigation.  One of the most crucial bits of evidence, the black ‘LA Raiders’ jacket, which Stephen Lawrence was wearing when he was attacked, may not have been handled and stored in the ideal way, and contaminated other evidence, such as the clothing from the defendants. The stabbing in Eltham, South-East London shocked the nation at the time of the offence.

One of the plastic sacks had also been discovered with a missing seal, which was supposed to keep contents free from contamination.  The main prosecution argument suggests that blood, hair and microscopic fibres on the clothes taken from homes of the two suspects, Gary Dobson and David Norris appear to have been put into the same bag, further complicating the situation, and seriously undermining any plausibility of DNA evidence being reliable in the case.  Although DNA evidence is now very reliable if well handled; flawed, and some say primitive, police systems in the 1990s arguably may make it impossible to rule out whether forensic evidence had been inadvertently transferred between clothing items belonging to victim and suspects during the handling and storage process.

Christopher Bower, who was in charge of storage of exhibits at a Metropolitan Police lab has confirmed that there was no system to separate victim and suspect items after they had been forensically examined, which appears to be a massive blow for the prosecutions case.  The brown paper bags containing individual items were placed at random in clear plastic over-bags, mixing up individual clothing evidence.

When being questioned by Timothy Roberts QC, who is representing Dobson, Mr Bower confirmed that no specific segregation instructions for dealing with the bags, and also nothing to prevent the contents being mingled, and no system of keeping them separate for further examination, such as the cold case review which later followed.
Remarkably gloves were not always used when presenting evidence which was produced at a private prosecution brought by Stephen’s parents in 1996.  The items had to be moved and stored again before a cold case review in 2007 and 2008, which discovered the forensic evidence now at the heart of the prosecution case.

Kent Police had taken possession of key exhibits in 1997 while they were looking into complaints about the conduct of Met officers during the first murder investigation.  They had been returned in 1998, which was prior to the official Lawrence Inquiry.

In spite of the overwhelming evidence that the DNA evidence was unreliable, which in any other trail the Judge would have declared as inadmissible, the jury returned a guilty verdict on both defendants.  Clearly, this was a show trial set up by the liberal establishment to appease the ethnic minority claim that they are the victims of racial persecution by the majority indigenous British population.   The vicious witch-hunt against both Gary Dobson and David Norris instigated by the Labour Government of Tony Blair, the liberal/left-wing press and the BBC meant that the jury had been subjected to biased reporting for over twenty years; so is it any wonder that with the level of negative reporting about the defendants, the jury were brain-washed into finding them guilty.   

Why do the racial discrimination laws only seem to apply in the case of white-on-black offences but never in cases of black-on-white crime?  A short résumé of official statistics reveals the following:  

·              Blacks are 5 times more likely to commit violence against the person.
·              Blacks are 4 times ‘more likely’ to commit sexual offences.
·              Blacks are fifteen times ‘more likely’ to commit robbery.
·              Blacks are over six times ‘more likely’ to commit fraud and forgery.
·              Blacks are over twice as likely to commit criminal damage.
·              Black are five times ‘more likely’ to commit drugs offences.

A preliminary analysis of official crime data shows:

v   Violence against the person is 5 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the white community.
v   Drugs offences are 16 times more prevalent in the black community, and 3 times more prevalent in the Asian community, than in the white community.
v   Robbery is over 9 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the white community.
v   Committing homicide is 6 times more prevalent in the black community, and twice as prevalent in the Asian community, than it is in the white community.
v   The homicidal killing of white people is 90 times more prevalent in the black community, than the homicidal killing of black people in the white community.
v   The homicidal killing of white people is 30 times more prevalent in the Asian community, than the homicidal killing of Asian people in the white community.
v   The number of white victims of inter-racial homicide is approximately 40 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME) community.
v   The white community suffers more victims of inter-racial and racially motivated homicide than all of the minority (BME) communities put together – despite the BME communities being less than 10 per cent of the total population.
v   The number of white victims of racially motivated homicide is approximately 50 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME) community.

In spite of these statistics very few (if any) ethnic minorities are actually charged with racially aggravated crime, yet an indigenous white person would be charged accordingly for the most trivial of incidents.  Why do the indigenous British people put up with this injustice, when it is clear from government statistics that they are not the main instigators of hate crime?  White Britons have been brainwashed since the 1950s into believing that they are intrinsically racist and must make amends for the perceived past sins of empire.  This self-flagellation has got to stop; indigenous Britons must again take pride in their forefathers past achievements and stand up against the constant institutionalized demonization that is directed against them by the liberal elite establishment.

To answer the question at the head of this article: When is a Murder Deemed a Racially Aggravated Hate Crime? 

Only when it is committed by a white person.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article. Everyone who cares about the death of our nation must read this.
