Devon Patriot

This site is operated in support of Patriotic British Nationals, and aims to keep Devon folk informed of events that happen within the county which don't get reported in the main stream media.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Genocide of a Nation

The following leaflet has been produced as a means of enlightening the indigenous population to the dangers they face as a result of mass third-world immigration into our small vastly over-crowded island.

The main points high-lighted in the leaflet concerning the prospects for our children’s future has been expressed in greater clarity, as detailed below:-

Within 10 years white indigenous babies will be a minority of all newborns

For a population to stabilize, a birthrate of 2.1 babies per women is required.  The current average birthrate for indigenous white Britons is some 1.7 babies per woman.  Clearly, this means that if the current birth rate is maintained then indigenous white Britons will become extinct. 

On the other hand the immigrant community, in particular the Moslems, have a birthrate of some 4 babies per woman.  Contrary to what was said in the early years of immigration, when it was assumed that the immigrant community would adopt western values and culture with a resultant drop in birthrate, immigrants have retained the values and cultures of their homelands.  Consequently, women are still tied to the primitive medieval traditions of their ancestral homeland and are subjected to barbaric practices such as female genital mutilation, forced marriages and the wearing of the face-covering burqa.  With immigrants being given priority of social housing, welfare and any other benefit why should they; when all they need to do is to play the race-card and the police, politicians and social services bow to their demands.  

Most European women are more interested in pursuing their own careers than furthering the interests of our nation by being wives and mothers.  Consequently, few intelligent white women are having babies and those that are breeding tend to be welfare dependents – which doesn’t bode well for the indigenous Britons. 

In some London suburbs only 5% of newborn babies are indigenous Britons, born to Londoners who are too poor to escape the multi-cultural cesspit that the capital city has become.  The future for these babies is truly bleak as the mainly Islamic councils in control will ensure that all resources are spent on their own people rather than the true Londoners.     

Within 25 years white indigenous Britons will lose control of government activities to alien immigrant communities.

Unlike other ethnic communities, the Moslems tend to be highly organized through the activities of the local mosque.  Once the Islamic community attains 20% of the electorate in an area, then they effectively have control of the local councils.  Why should this be so, when 80% of the local community are non-Moslem?

The main reason for this is apathy amongst the indigenous population who do not bother to register as a voter, or who fail to vote even if they have registered.  Why should this be?  Most people feel that it doesn’t matter if they vote or not, as both the Conservative and Labour parties will do nothing of real significance to change anything: the Tories will look after the bankers, big-business and their upper-middle class supporters; Labour look after the interests of their key voters, the welfare dependents and immigrants; the Liberals will attend to the interests of their supporters amongst the sodomite and lesbian communities.  Most potential voters will effectively be disenfranchised, as no major party promotes their aspirations.  Many people look to the minor parties, like the BNP, who speak the truth and represents the true aspirations of the indigenous people – but unless something unexpected happens then they will remain fringe parties.       

The pie chart below shows how an Islamic promoted party in any area can capture control with 20% of the electorate.  With 56% of the electorate not voting, and the other 24% of votes spread amongst the other parties – the Islamic block vote of 20% will decide the winner of any election.

The Bradford by-election in which the Respect Party won its first seat is an indication of the power that the Islamic block vote will have in deciding the future running of the UK – and the future is clearly Islamic.

The Moslems have mastered electoral fraud to a fine art, with as many as 23 people registered on the electoral roll at a single address.  Most of these absentee residents are non-existent or living in Pakistan – but of course with the use of the postal vote it is easy for the Moslems to almost double their true voting strength.  This postal voting fraud is rife in Moslem run care-homes and sheltered accommodation where an unscrupulous proprietor can apply for, and obtain, voting forms for his infirm residents and use them to vote for the party of his own preference.  Moslems will be instructed by the mullahs in the local mosques to vote for the Islamic candidate.  The London suburb of Newham is such a district where the Moslems have absolute control of the council to the total exclusion of all others.    

 Within 35 years white indigenous Britons will be an ethnic minority in the United Kingdom

The graph below shows the expected decline in the indigenous population, together with the exponential growth of the Islamic immigrants.   As can be seen from the graph the point when the Islamic population exceeds the indigenous population will be something less than 35 years. 

What the graph does not show is the effect of continued immigration at its present rate of some 500,000 people per year; over 60 years this will add an additional 30 million to the 220 million shown on the graph.  Although white women are having approximately 1.7 babies each, many more of these will be of mixed race, so the number of indigenous white babies being born will be less; so causing the indigenous population to decline at a much faster rate than that shown on the diagram.

Within 50 years Islam will be the dominant religion of the United Kingdom

Approximately 15 years after the Moslems become a majority, when their children reach adulthood, Islam will become the dominant religion of the UK; with most churches being converted into mosques as indigenous Christians become a persecuted minority just like the Coptic Christians in Egypt.  Moslems will have complete control over all government activities.  Sharia law will be implemented throughout the UK, with the few indigenous Britons remaining being coerced into converting to Islam for fear of losing their livelihood and freedoms.  It will be required that women wear the veil and their status will be lower than that of a man, as decreed in the Koran.      

What Can Be Done to Reverse this Trend?

Tony Blair – a Portrait of Evil

This is the arch-traitor who for electoral advantage opened our borders to uncontrolled immigration; and to curtail criticism of third-world immigration brought in Section 5 of the Public Order Act that made it a “Hate” crime to criticize Islam or immigrants, so outlawing freedom of thought and expression.     

Clearly, much damage has been done to our country as a result of unwanted and unnecessary mass third-world immigration; but things can be turned around if we have a government determined and committed to repairing the damage that successive Labour governments have inflicted upon us.   The course of actions must include:

·               Leaving the European Union is the first vital step; only then can the British people determine their own destiny free from the dictates of unelected EU officials.  
·               Withdrawal from the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and returning full judicial control to the people of the UK.
·               Restructuring of the legal system to prevent abuse by illegal immigrants to prevent deportation, and corrupt lawyers who willfully prolong cases with multiple appeals to increase their earnings through Legal Aid funded cases.   
·               Make judges accountable to the public, by having their judgments challenged by public opinion through some means of electronic voting. 
·               The repeal of Section 5 of the Public Order Act.
·               The repatriation of all illegal immigrants with no right to appeal, and the restricting of Legal Aid to one court appearance only.  
·               A total ban on all immigration, including relatives of immigrants with the re-introduction of the Primary Purposes Act.
·               A complete ban on immigrants to welfare and unemployment benefits.
·               A complete ban on immigrants to social housing.
·               A complete ban on immigrants to free healthcare, except for accident and emergency treatment.
·               A complete ban on free schooling for the children of immigrants.
·               English must be the only official language; if immigrants need an interpreter then they must pay for it.
·               Halal meat should not be served in schools or pubs, and the halal slaughter of animals must be made illegal.
·               Christianity must be the only religion taught in school, to all pupils including non-Christians.

·               Positive discrimination and affirmative action in favour of immigrants must be made illegal.  Selection of personnel to positions of authority must be awarded solely on merit, not ethnicity.
·               English must be the only language taught in schools.  If pupils require interpreters to help them, then the parents should pay – not the tax-payer.
·               Immigrants to be given financial assistance for them to return to their native lands.
·               Companies that employ illegal immigrants must be severely punished with very high fines.
·               Companies will be permitted to employ a foreigner only if no UK person is available.  The employee’s contract shall be for a maximum of 3 years, during which time the companies must take on a trainee to replace him at the end of the contract period.
·               If a company needs to employ a foreigner, then they must pay a large bond to the government which is only repayable when the employee returns to his home country at the end of his contract.

Lethargy amongst the indigenous population is the biggest obstacle in defeating the Islamic conquest that is currently in progress.  Most people have been “brainwashed” in our schools and through television that immigrants are a normal part of our society, and that anybody who has an alternative opinion is a racist Nazi thug.  Only when things get bad, which they will, and the indigenous Britons start to feel the effects of being treated as second-class citizens will they start to take notice.  Let us hope it comes sooner, rather than later!