Devon Patriot

This site is operated in support of Patriotic British Nationals, and aims to keep Devon folk informed of events that happen within the county which don't get reported in the main stream media.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Cecil Rhodes – was he an Imperialistic Racist Bigot or a Benevolent Philanthropist?  

We have heard recently in the news that students have demonstrated in Oxford to get a plague and statue of Cecil Rhodes removed from the premises of Oriel College.  It appears that the organization responsible for this outrageous activity is the Rhodes Must Fall group. 

To its shame, it appears that Oriel College has agreed to remove the Rhodes plaque from its premises in King Edward Street – so capitulating to a few politically-correct left-wing bigots (less than a 100) who participated in the demonstration.  The demonstrator’s also handed in a petition, signed by a mere 250 people, to the governors demanding that the statue be removed from the main entrance to the college. 

Fortunately, the removal of the statue from Oriel College will prove difficult as it is a Grade 2 listed building; consequently it will require planning consent from the local council.  Furthermore, the general public of Oxford will be able to oppose any planning application for the statue’s removal. Hopefully, many local residents will write letters of objection to the council that will force the councillors to reject the planning application; so ensuring that the statue remains in its present location.

Cecil Rhodes attended Oriel College, Oxford, in 1973, and lodged at No. 6 King Edward Street; therefore these memorials are appropriately located as a fitting memorial to this great man who did so much for the British Empire, South Africa and Oxford University.

The Rhodes Must Fall organization is a protest movement that began on 9th March 2015, originally directed against a statue at the University of Cape Town (UCT) that commemorates Cecil Rhodes.  The campaign for the statue's removal received global attention and led to a wider movement to "decolonise" education across South Africa.  On 9th April 2015, following a UCT Council vote the previous night, the statue was removed and has now been relocated.  Rhodes Must Fall captured national headlines throughout 2015 and sharply divided public opinion within South Africa between white and black citizens.  It also inspired the emergence of allied student movements at other universities, both within South Africa and elsewhere throughout the world.

In Oxford the main protagonist for the removal of these historic monuments is one Ntokozo Qwabe, a founder-member of the Rhodes Must Fall group who attended the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal to study law; paradoxically his education was paid for by the Rhodes Trust.  This Trust has now been re-named as the Mandela-Rhodes Trust to appease the liberal bigots who are embarrassed by their failure to achieve the great things Rhodes did for their nation – it will probably be re-named again in the future as the Mandela Trust, so eliminating Rhodes from their history.

It now seems that the Rhodes Trust is funding Ntokozo’s further education at Oxford, although it’s not clear what he is studying – probably another post-graduate law degree.  Talking about “biting the hand that feeds you”, this parasite is taking advantage of the Rhodes Trust to fund his own bigoted agenda of spreading racial hated against all white people.

It seems incredible that indigenous British students at Oxford can demonstrate in support of the hateful Rhodes Must Fall organization.  This clearly indicates that these students have been brainwashed with politically-correct dogma throughout their schools years, and are now unable to see the truth of the situation, in that their actions are racist and discriminatory against the indigenous population of the United Kingdom.  Let’s hope that someday soon these students will see the error of their ways and make amends by supporting organizations that seek to preserve Britain’s heritage, culture and ethnicity.  
Cecil Rhodes – his life and achievements

Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853, at Bishop’s Stortford, England, and the son of a vicar.  He was a sickly child, so due to his poor health he was sent to Natal to be united with his brother.  After failing to grow cotton there, he and his brother attempted to make their fortune in the Diamond mines.  Cecil saw alternative methods for making money by providing services to the other miners.  He quickly realised the potential for riches by creating a monopoly.  At first this was done with water, but he then applied this principal to acquiring diamond concessions.  His efforts at amalgamating various companies paid off with an enormous personal fortune and the creation of the De Beers consolidated Mines Company in 1888 and the creation of Consolidated Goldfields.  Unfortunately for Rhodes he missed much of the opportunity to create a foothold in the newly discovered goldfields of the Transvaal.  He was certainly a ruthless businessman.
Rhodes used much of his personal fortune in the field of politics.  Despite earlier support for Irish Home Rule, Rhodes quickly became a spokesman and activist for imperial expansion.  His most famous ambition was to create a railway along a continuous pink strip of land from the Cape Colony to Cairo.  He used his political skills and money to become the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony in 1890 and espouse his imperial ambitions on a much grander scale.  He lobbied hard for the annexation of Bechuanaland and later, when he was becoming disappointed at the lack of political will at the Colonial Office, he even formed his own company to claim land in the interior of Africa.  The British South Africa Company achieved a Royal Charter in 1889 and proceeded to negotiate its way into the lands of the Mashona, Matabele and beyond.  Later, his ambition would be his political and economic undoing when his associate, a Dr. Jameson, attempted to invade Transvaal in order to support an abortive coup.  The political fall out from this adventure forced Cecil to resign his premiership of the Cape Colony.
Cecil Rhodes never lost his passion for his imperial dreams and spent much time planning and organising the colonies that were to bear his name; Northern and Southern Rhodesia.  When the Africans in these colonies rose up in rebellion to his company's rule, he personally conducted successful negotiations to the satisfaction of Matabele tribal leaders.  During the Boer war, he helped to organise and fund the defences of Kimberley in the siege.
Rhodes was a very complex and contradictory individual.  His true feelings and ideology have never fully been understood by historians and biographers.  What is clear is that Rhodes was a very personable leader who had the ability to inspire others and attract attention to his causes and ideas.  On the flipside, he was a ruthless businessman who could often be accused of being little more than a bully.  His treatment of Africans was equally contradictory, as he often talked about them in a highly derogatory manner and virtually pioneered the 'Apartheid' system of separating the Africans working in his mines from the outside world. Yet, he also seems to have taken an uncommon interest in their cultures and language and had a respect and understanding for Africans that would have seemed remarkably liberal for his era.
Rhodes left a will that was to create one of the most successful educational endowments of all time; the Rhodes Trust and the Rhodes Scholarships.  These were open to any of the Teutonic peoples; Britons, Germans and Americans, and had the express purpose of enabling the academic elites of these countries to mingle and understand one another better in an attempt to create an Anglo-Saxon empire across the world.  Even in his death, Rhodes' dreams were bigger and more comprehensive than most other peoples'.

With so many slurs and lies said about Cecil Rhodes; what is the truth?

What follows are a variety of remarks made by numerous African and anti-Rhodes writers that have been extracted from articles published on various pro-African/anti-white websites.  After each comment is a statement that explains the true situation, which in most cases completely overturns any negative accusations made against the British involvement in Africa.    
A certain Rasta Livewire commented on his website that “For more than three centuries after European settlers arrived in South Africa in 1652, the so-called white rulers viewed the so-called blacks only as labourers and denied them proper schooling.”

It must be remembered that public education for some children in the UK didn’t really start until the passing of the School Grants Act 1855; up until that time what public schooling did exist was mostly carried out by charitable church schools (Sunday Schools).  Furthermore, it wasn’t until the passing of the Board of Education Act 1899 that made for free education of all children up to the age of 14.  So in reality, the common working man was treated no differently than the native African over that period.  During this period many blacks received a basic education due to the work of the many Christian missionary schools in the tribal villages.

It is often mentioned that Cecil Rhodes made a fortune off stolen African land, skills and labour.  His modus operandi was cynical crass inhumane exploitation of Africans.  “Nine-tenths of them will have to spend their lives in manual labour, and the sooner that is brought home to them, the better,” Rhodes said in 1893.

This sounds similar to what happened to the common English people during the Norman Conquest!  At the time of the European occupation of South Africa in 1652, the Negro population was estimated to be less than 1 million, and by 1850 the European population was greater than that of the Negro, and South Africa was largely uninhabited wilderness.  There was no need to steal land from the natives, as uninhabited, fertile and uncultivated land was available in abundance; so anybody who was prepared to work the land rightly claimed ownership.  The African Negro possessed few skills that could be exploited.  It is true that Cecil Rhodes used the local Negro as labourers, and they were paid for their services; their wages would certainly have been comparable to an English labourer, and this was the period when slavery was illegal throughout the British Empire.  As for the Rhode’s statement that the Negro is only fit for manual labour; well, this is basically true due to their extremely low intelligence - with an average IQ of 70.

It is said the Cecil Rhodes was a racist and an imperialist who increased the Empire in Africa by enslaving the indigenous Africans.

Rhodes was not a racist.  He was certainly an imperialist but only because he believed in the modernity and progress that the British Empire of his time represented.  The expansion of the British Empire into Africa did not enslave any Africans, in fact it actually liberated many tribes from subjugation by other more powerful tribes – the subjugation of the Xhosa tribe by the Zulus for example.  It must also be remembered that it was the British who abolished the international slave trade, and used the Royal Navy to police the high-sea for Islamic slave‑traders who frequently raided South Africa for slaves who would be transported back to various Arab nations where they could be sold.

As Prime Minister of Cape Colony, Cecil Rhodes is often accused of waging racist wars against the various African tribes to enforce British rule over them. 

Contrary to what these people say there was very little need for the British to wage war on the African tribes; apart from one incident with the Zulus, all other disputes were settled by negotiation in a civilised non-racial manner – mostly to the benefit of the African Tribes.  However, there was indeed one conflict in which the British behaved in an abominable and racist manner against a certain group of people.  This was to be the greatest atrocity ever carried out in the name of the British Empire, and the victims were not Negros but white farmers – the Boers.

In the 1970s some historians, with left-wing allegiances, wrote books and gave lectures in which they stated that Cecil Rhodes was indeed a racist, and the architect of apartheid in South Africa.  He, also, implies that Rhodes failed to provide adequate housing in the main unban areas for the Negro labourers and their families.

Apartheid did not exist in South Africa during Cecil Rhodes’ lifetime.  However, human nature being as it is means that people tend to associate with their own kind; therefore, in contemporary Britain with its huge immigrant population an overwhelming majority of Moslems and Negros choose to live in ghettos with their own people.  Indigenous people stuck in these ghettos feel threatened and isolated, and quite naturally want to move away to be with people of their own race, culture and heritage.  It is not racist to wish for these things.  Clearly, the white South Africans realised that the Negro was incompatible with their way of life.  Consequently, they built townships where the Negros could live and follow their own culture and traditions free from interference from the white man – what a very compassionate and ethical thing to do!  As for Cecil Rhodes’ government not providing adequate housing for their Negro workers; well if one compares the abject poverty in which the labouring classes lived in the UK during that period, then it is clear that by comparison the Negro worker was treated quite well.  

It’s lazy journalism for modern-day writers to criticise the treatment of the Africans during Rhodes’ tenure of office.  A truer picture emerges when one considers how the poor were treated in Britain over the same period.  It is wrong to apply today’s morally decadent standards on events that happened over 100 years ago; when Christian values prevailed (and contrary to what the politically-correct establish may say) native peoples were treated with the utmost respect!

What did Rhodes and the British Empire do for the native people of Africa?

All one seems to hear nowadays is about the so-called atrocities that the British Empire inflicted onto the native populations; but our school-children learn nothing of the benefits bestowed on these native folk by the British colonialists. The benefits that the local tribes gained from the European settlers were numerous, and what follows are some examples:  
An Organised Structured and Civilized Society

Before the Europeans arrived in South Africa the local natives were a primitive tribal people with no government structure or written laws - they hadn’t even developed a written script for communicating with each other.  It wasn’t until the Europeans arrived that an orderly democratic structure was put in place to govern the country and make laws.  It is often stated that the local natives were denied any parliamentary representation; but one must remember that most working class men in the UK were also denied the vote until 1918, and women until 1928.  In the early days of colonisation the natives were left alone to govern themselves with no interference from the white settlers.  As new towns developed the local natives moved closer to them to seek employment as labourers, as that is all they were suitable for, as they had no skills, couldn’t speak English and were totally illiterate – clearly, it would be years before these people became sufficiently educated to participate in a democratic society.  This was apparent to the European settlers, so naturally they retained the governance of the nation within their own ethnic group.  What the natives now have is a highly functional political and social system inherited from the British with Cecil Rhodes at its helm – for that, they should be grateful.

Industrial and Agricultural Advancement

Before the Europeans arrived in South Africa the local natives had no understanding of science or engineering.  They were still basically a hunter-gather society, and what agriculture they did have was very rudimentary at a level similar to what would have been seen in the Fertile Crescent some 12,000 years ago.  It wasn’t until the Europeans arrived that technologically advanced machinery and highly productive agriculture techniques were witnessed by the local natives; they copied these practices, so allowing their populations to rise rapidly as food production increased. The gold and diamond mines provided opportunities for the natives to get well paid labouring jobs so increasing their standard of living as they, and their families moved into settlements close to the mines.  This enabled the more intelligent Negro who mastered the English language and understood the mining technology and practices to gain promotion, so improving their standard of living and status within their community.  Looking at the adjacent picture of mine workers it is hard to distinguish between the labourers and the skilled miners – hardly a master/slave situation – they all look as if they’re being exploited by big business concerns.   What the natives now have is highly functional agriculture and industries inherited from the British with Cecil Rhodes at its helm – for that, they should be grateful.

Civilised Communities and Metropolitan Infrastructure

Before the Europeans arrived in South Africa the local natives had no understanding of an organized and structured society.  Living in primitive tribal villages they had no sanitation and water was probably extracted from a nearby stream, hygiene was none existent.  The women would have spent most of their lives in the tribal village with maybe an occasional visit to the next settlement.   The coming of the Europeans changed all that: for they built a network of roads that connected all the towns together; railways were constructed to transport people and goods throughout the country; sewers and piped water systems were built to improve the hygiene of the towns; eventually these would be extended to incorporate the native settlements.  As electrical generation and distribution systems became established these too were eventually connected to the native settlements, so improving their standard of living.  Postal services and telephone systems were later introduced that would eventually be extended to cater for the native population.   What the natives now have are highly functional townships inherited from the British with Cecil Rhodes at its helm – for that, they should be grateful.

Education and Healthcare

Before the Europeans arrived in South Africa the local natives had no form of writing as they hadn’t invented a suitable alphabet, so they were a totally uneducated race of people.  Furthermore, apart from a few herbal recipes they had no medicines or means of treating physical injuries.  The coming of the European settlers changed all that such that: to get any job other than a manual labourer the native had to have a basic understanding of the English language together with basic numeracy; the native workers were given basic medical treatment for minor injuries so that they were able to perform their work tasks effectively and efficiently.  Before 1953, many black people attended schools set up by religious organisations; following the Bantu Education Act state schools provided schooling for all native children to the same quality that white children received.  Free healthcare for the natives was implemented in 1942 with the initial establishment of 44 community health centres within tribal lands, these were progressively increased as resources and facilities became available.  What the natives now have is free educational and healthcare systems inherited from the British with Cecil Rhodes at its helm – for that, they should be grateful.

How should Cecil Rhodes be remembered, and what should be done with those people who denigrate his name?

Although Cecil Rhodes was an imperialist and thought that expanding the British Empire would benefit the whole world, he certainly wasn’t a despot; nor did he enslave the local natives – he saw them as a source of cheap labour, just like the white working class.  His business acumen made him an extremely wealthy man, although some of his business practices are open to question – just like any other businessman of the era, Rockerfeller, Henry Ford, Getty etc.  What cannot be denied is that European settlement into South Africa together with the development of the gold and diamond mines brought much wealth into the area which immensely benefitted the local natives; and Rhodes was instrumental in this.  It is essential that our school children (both indigenous and ethnic) are taught about the good things that the British Empire brought to the world, in particular the benefits that native peoples gained from being a part of it.

As for those left-wing bigots who call for the removal of all Rhodes’ memorials; then these people should be arrested and charged for racial harassment, or whatever Hate Crime charge is applicable. 

It must be remembered that modern Africa owes everything to the white man for converting their countries from primitive feudal tribes into highly developed civilizations, with high-tech communication systems, transportation networks, efficient agriculture to mention only a few things.  What have Africans given the world, apart from HIV and AIDS?

Friday 24 April 2015

The Obituary of Democracy

In 1887 Alexander Tytler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.” 

“The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.  During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage
From great courage to liberty; 
From liberty to abundance; 
From abundance to complacency; 
From complacency to apathy; 
From apathy to dependence; 
From dependence back into bondage." 

In Britain’s case its status lies between the “apathy and dependency” phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy.

If this analysis was applied to the United Kingdom the timelines would probably look something like this:

Bondage (1066 - 1530)

The Norman conquest in 1066 heralded the start of an age of bondage for the common people.  Under the feudal system their land was confiscated, and they were reduced to serfs and peasants; little more than slaves to the ruling elite.  The Roman Catholic church was of no help as it too owned large swathes of land confiscated from the peasants.  It was the Black Death that caused a shortage of labour, so enabling the serfs to charge more for their services, with many serfs becoming tenant farmers and land-owners.

Spiritual Faith (1531 – 1577)

The Roman Catholic church had been the dominant source of Christian teaching since around 500AD, but its doctrines were being questioned by protestant reformers like Wycliffe and the Lollards.  Henry VIII’s reformation of the Christian church in England resulted in the birth of new protestant sects such as the Baptists, Methodists and Quakers which were churches created by and for the people.  In Scotland the Calvinistic church established itself under the guidance of John Knox.

Great Courage (1572 – 1833)

Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the world was the first of many courageous acts undertaken by the British people.  But great courage also applies to scientific discoveries and engineering advances where people like Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday and Richard Trevithick had the courage of their convictions to challenge old established practices and seek innovative solutions to a variety of problems for the advancement of mankind.

Liberty (1834 – 1953)

The case of the Tolpuddle Martyrs was one of the first in which a popular protest by the general public resulted in these men being pardoned for the alleged crime of combining to form an agricultural Friendly Society in opposition to a reduction in their wages.  This was the start of many reforms that liberated the working man from exploitation by rogue employers, unfair representation in the law courts and the right for his children to have some form of education.

Abundance (1954 – 1964)

After WW2, and when rationing ended in 1954, Britain entered the peak of its achievements.  Its people were still wholesomely indigenous with little immigration.  The post-war house building programme meant that the housing shortage was over, and housing now became affordable for the average family.  People could now afford to own cars.  Unemployment had virtually disappeared, with social mobility at its peak.  British industry still made high quality products.  What could possibly go wrong?

Complacency (1965 – 84)

Because everything was going well for the country the people became complacent, and ignored the warnings by the prophetic politician Enoch Powell that unless immigration is stopped, then the future of Britain would be bleak.  For people of the late 1960s life was easy, and a culture was born that challenged the status-quo; consequently all the high moral, cultural and educational values that prevailed were trashed and replaced with unproven trendy concepts which were later to prove disastrous, especially in the education and upbringing of our youngsters.

Apathy  (1985 - until today)

The political system within the UK has now become very remote from the voting public.  Most of our laws are now made by the unelected representatives of the EU Commission, with the EU Parliament merely voting to accept or reject the legislation.  The first past the post system makes it impossible for minor parties to have a voice in the UK Parliament.  Consequently, most people feel disenfranchised and are apathetic about voting; as the attached diagram illustrates.


Britain is a very small country which can only sustain a population of some 27 million.  With a population approaching 70 million, Britain is becoming evermore dependent on imports for the essentials of survival such as food and energy.  The Islamic countries of the middle east are fully aware of this and are using Britain’s dependency on their oil to import Moslem immigrants and their ideology into the UK.  The ever-rising Islamic population will only reinforce this dependency.   


Successive governments’ failure to tackle the immigration problem will ensure that indigenous Britons become a minority within 25 years.  In another 30 years Islam will be the dominant force in British politics; and within 40 years Moslems will be a majority of the population.  This will lead to Islam becoming the state religion with Christians facing persecution and having to pay a tax (the Jizya) to practice their religion.   The bondage for women will be even greater, having to wear the full veil and undergo the barbaric practice of FGM (female genital mutilation) to retain their virtue.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Plymouth Labour Party’s contempt for the indigenous English people

Some four weeks ago I was reading the Plymouth Herald when I came across a reference to Kelichi Nnoaham, the Director of Public Health for Plymouth council.  This intrigued me, as I couldn’t understand why he had been appointed when this country has an abundance of healthcare professionals.  So I thought that I had better investigate further, and find out why this person was appointed in preference to the many more highly qualified and competent indigenous people working in the various branches of the health service.   

Impressive CV, but no practical work experience

He claims to have studied for a medical degree from the University of Lagos Nigeria in 1999; but it’s not clear exactly what he studied and to what level – he certainly wasn’t a qualified doctor.       He goes on to state that he worked for 3 years in clinical infectious diseases (chiefly HIV/TB), but it’s not clear what exactly his role was.  He then studied for a Master’s degree in Tropical Medicine/International Health (University of London, 2004) and Global Health Science (University of Oxford, 2006).  In 2011, he completed a PhD in Public Health at the University of Oxford, where he researched the global quality of life and work productivity impact of and predictive value of associated symptoms in endometriosis.  He joined the Oxford Deanery Public Health rotations in January 2005, completing specialist training in November 2009 having worked on several exciting projects in service and academic public health posts.  In the course of his training he became interested in epidemiology, statistics and research methods, and claims to have researched tuberculosis, vitamin D deficiency, geodemographic segmentation multilevel modelling, screening, predictive modelling of potential for fiscal policy instruments in chronic disease control and women’s health.  He claims that his background in infectious diseases and research interests mean that he has followed a Public Health career in the fascinating fields of Health Protection and Academic Public Health.  In November 2009 he joined a training programme and worked with NHS Berkshire West as an assistant to the Director of Public Health with a remit for Health Protection and Public Health Intelligence.   In this role, he joined a team of 8 persons delivering outcomes in respect of screening programmes, immunisation, infectious disease control, emergency planning/business continuity and public health analytics/information.  In other non-work time (along with 7 colleagues), he claims to have set up the Public Health Foundation of Nigeria which provides health policy and capacity-building support for public health in Nigeria.  It seems that for 18 months he worked as acting director of public health for Bristol City Council.

On the face on it his qualifications and experience looks impressive – in fact over-impressive, to the point of suspicion.  In fact Kelichi seems to have spent most of his life in academia rather than the workplace, and one must question who paid for it all.  Clearly, he must come from a very wealthy background to be able to spend so much time in academic pursuit instead of having to work hard for a living.  Before being employed by Plymouth City Council, his actual working experience seems to span a mere 3 years at NHS Berkshire West and Bristol City Council – hardly sufficient for him to gain enough practical work experience to even be considered for the job of Director of Public Heath for Plymouth council.  Furthermore, the quality and competence of Nigerian trained medical workers is questionable as the case of a certain Dr Ubani demonstrates. 

Why did Plymouth City Council employ this man?

It is inconceivable that a local indigenous Briton could not be found to fill the post when there are literally thousands of suitable qualified health professionals available who know the problems and needs of the local area, and possess years of experience working within the locality.  So why did Plymouth’s Labour controlled Council select a Nigerian immigrant in preference to a more professional and competent indigenous Briton?  It must be remembered that the average Negro IQ is 70 compared to a white person’s score of 100, so based on intelligence it is highly unlikely that Kelichi would be competent to hold this high level job without the support of highly intelligent staff members who will cover up his failings.

The Labour Party is supposed to have a policy of British Jobs for British Workers, so why did the Labour controlled Plymouth Council betray an election pledge to its working class supporters and employ an unwanted immigrant for the job?  Now Plymouth as yet is not over-run with ethnic minority people, so one can only speculate that pressure was put on the interviewing board to select Kelichi so that the political-correct hierarchy within the Council could establish their credentials as an equal opportunities employer.  Alternatively, Kelichi himself could have been playing the Race Card, in that his presence before the interviewing board intimidated them into selecting him out of fear that they would have been accused of racism if they had selected a superior indigenous candidate.  

What is certain is that importing an immigrant into this post in preference to more experienced and worthy indigenous candidates was a racist act, and consequently constitutes a hate-crime against the people of Plymouth.  Plymouth City Council has established a precedent that people will now be employed on their ethnicity rather than merit.

What should Plymouth City Council do to correct this act of injustice and contempt for the indigenous British worker?

The British liberal/left establishment are far too eager to employ foreign nationals instead of training our own folk to fill employment positions.  This is apparent when one looks at our football teams and find that they are predominately made up of foreign players; this is because it is cheaper to search the world for players than to invest time, effort and money into training our own youths.   The building industry reacts in the same way by employing Polish workers, because it is cheaper than training up our youngsters through a high grade engineering apprenticeship – although there are now very few technical colleges able to provide high grade technical training.  Even at the most senior levels our government prefers to employ foreigners in preference to indigenous high-grade professionals, as the selection of the Canadian Mark Carney as Governor of the Bank of England illustrates.

It is outrageous that Britain should rob the third world of its best qualified medical professionals when these people are so desperately needed in their own countries – with the ebola crisis in Africa, Kelichi is more needed in Nigeria than Plymouth.  To do the right thing for the citizens of Plymouth, and for the people of Nigeria, the Council must immediately dismiss Kelichi and appoint a more able indigenous Briton into the post of Director of Public Health.  Kelichi, and his family, should be deported

to Nigeria where they can make a positive contribution to the well-being of the African people.  Britain has educated and trained many African people to do a variety of skilled jobs; it now has a moral obligation to return these people to Africa so that they can improve the wealth, health and environment of their originating countries.

Friday 13 December 2013

Are Indigenous White Boys The True Victims of Racism?

Educational Achievement – the Evidence

A recent report from the Department of Education (DofE) revealed that 16% of White British pupils eligible for free school meals do not obtain 5 or more GCSEs.  This is a much higher proportion than that for any other ethnic group.  This is illustrated in the following graph:

From this total of 16% for all White British pupils 13% are girls and 19% are boys.  This is a much higher proportion than that for any other combination of gender, ethnic group and eligibility for free school meals.  How could this possibly be so, when the average IQ of indigenous White children is so much higher than Negros or immigrants from the Indian sub-continent; as shown in the following graph?

Why are Indigenous White Boys Allowed to Fail?

Based on IQ one would expect indigenous white boys to be performing much better than immigrants from Africa or the Indian sub-continent; even if those white boys who qualify for free school meals come from parents with less than average IQs.  So what is going wrong?  Why are white boys (and girls) from low income households doing so poorly in GCSE exams?

Clearly, there are other factors at work that deliberately discriminate against white indigenous boys which causes them to under-achieve and not develop their full potential.  If any other racial group exhibited the levels of failure that currently exists within the white working classes, then there would be an outcry from the liberal/left wing establishment with questions raised in the House of Commons; but for white boys from poor backgrounds, it’s of no importance.

Why are white boys failing?  If it’s not lack of intelligence, then what are the factors at play that only appear to be effecting indigenous boys, and to a lesser extent our girls? Clearly, it’s not just the schools that are failing them; other social factors outside of the educational establishments also have a significant influence over a young boy’s attitude to learning and social values.

What are the factors that affect the low educational achievement of poor white boys, and what can be done to reverse this trend?

The Home Environment

It’s sad to say, but most of the reasons for the low educational achievement of white boys can be found in the home environment.  In a majority of cases these will be single parent households, with the mother as the sole parent.  The lack of a father figure in the household means that there is no male role-model to which the boy can relate – a role to which a woman can never truly replicate no matter how hard she tries.  

Quite often these ‘families’ are dysfunctional and are often plagued with drink and drug abuse – not a good environment for any child.  The Asians still tend to be headed by a husband and wife; hence these married couples provide a more stable environment for their children, and it shows in the high level of examination marks achieved by these children.    

Where these households do include a father they often tend to be unemployed, or indeed unemployable due to drug or alcohol abuse.  Unfortunately, any child born into this environment will tend to follow the example of the parent(s), so carrying this social failure onto the next generation.

But of course this is not the case in most instances, where the father is working all hours of the day for a pittance of a wage that barely covers the rent and other household costs.  In cases such as these the family would be better off if the father made himself redundant and the family lived off welfare benefits; the father would then have more time to be with his children.  It says a lot for these fathers who retain their self-respect by working in often menial jobs to maintain their families rather than sign on the dole and become welfare dependant.    

The School Environment

Ethnic minorities now make up almost 25% of pupils at infant schools in the UK, and at some schools in high immigrant areas they make up 100% of all students.  Sadly in schools with high numbers of immigrants the needs of white boys will be neglected as teachers are obliged to spend more time catering to the needs of immigrant children – for not to do so could cost them their jobs.  The government on average spends twice as much on an immigrant child’s education than that of an indigenous youngster. 

It was observed during the 1980s that more boys than girls were going to university, especially in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects.  To change this perceived anti-girl discrimination, teaching syllabuses were changed during the 1980s from GCEs to GCSEs which contained coursework that was considered girl friendly – a buzzword used during my time as a trainee teacher.  As a consequence girls started to out-perform boys in practically every subject, as boys preferred to do other things with their out-of-school time than spending hours doing GCSE coursework.  This was a clear case of sexual discrimination against boys, but of course in these politically-correct times people are too scared to admit that this injustice exists.

The subjects taught in schools have changed over the years so as not to offend the immigrant children.  Schools no longer teach the greatness of the British Empire, and the force for good it was in the world.   Nowadays schools only mention the worst parts of British imperialism such as the slave trade, the Opium Wars or the Indian Mutiny.  It does not mention the benefits that the British gave the peoples of the Empire, such as: education and professional training; healthcare and the elimination of many diseases; efficient road transport systems; railway networks; a fair and incorrupt justice system; and a government system that was open and incorruptible.  Children are not taught that it was the British Empire that enforced the abolition of slavery throughout the world, and was liberating slaves from Moslem slave-ships right up to the 1920s.  Indigenous children are deliberately made to feel bad about Britain’s past history; yet treating the immigrant children as the victims of a vicious and cruel people.  This dishonest version of Britain’s imperial past has been fabricated by the liberal/left establishment to give indigenous children an inferiority complex, and the immigrants a sense of victimhood and superiority.

Male Role Models

Many young boys are now living in a household headed by a single or divorced mother, so the young lad has no natural father figure to act as his role model.  If the child is lucky he may have a relative or teacher to act a good male role model; but this is most unlikely, so where would he find a man who could inspire him?  Nowadays most young boys would find their role models on television, from pop music groups or the sport arena; but do these mediums provide the type of role models that are beneficial to young boys?

The media

Television is now over-represented by women or ethnic minorities; it is now difficult to spot the white indigenous male presenting any programme on TV - if they do, then it tends to be in a secondary role.  On the BBC even the white bastion of Rugby League has been presented by a women for the past ten years, although I have never yet seen a women playing the sport!    

These programmes are designed to send a message to young white boys that they are inferior to blacks.  The wholesome, virtuous white hero is being written out of our culture to appease the immigrant masses regardless of the damage it is doing to our indigenous boys.

 Pop Music

The pop music seems to be dominated by rap, a primitive form of singing created by the black community.   The etiquette and refinement of the ballroom is non-existent in today’s pop culture, elegantly presented ladies have now given way to foul-mouthed tartly dressed chavs, festooned with tattoos and body piercings.  One can only assume that this primitive behaviour has been imported into the UK by the many African Negros that these girls seem to whore around with.  The music is a dirge of twangy electric guitars and monotonous thudding drums.  Instead of catchy lyrics, one is faced with a foul-mouth tart yelling into an over-amplified microphone a series of repetitive obscenities.  If anything defines Britain’s cultural and intellectual decline, then the pop music industry is the epitome of everything that is wrong in modern Britain.    

On the radio, apart from Classic FM and BBC Radio 4 which are solely devoted to classical music, all one seems to hear nowadays is the monotonous dirge of pop music.  Gone are the days when one could switch on the radio and listen to a variety of music ranging from light classics, popular instrumental, easy listening, jazz and folk music; all performed to a high degree of professionalism with no dumbing down to appeal to the lower echelons of society.   


Most young boys look towards sportsman, in particular footballers, as their heroes.  Unfortunately modern-day premier football-teams are bereft of indigenous white players, as most teams are now overwhelmingly staffed by immigrants.  This is causing much distress for our indigenous young boys, as they are not just competing against British nationals for a place in an English league football team, but are competing against the whole world.  So no matter how good they are instead of competing against some 5 million Britons, they are competing against 2 billion youngsters from around the world. 

Below is a list of the main players for Arsenal FC, together with their nationality (or ethnicity) and salary; as can be seen only two players, Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere are indigenous Britons.  Not much there to inspire a young white British boy who has a passion for playing football.

The Work Environment

Too much emphasis is now put on encouraging school-leavers to go to university and study for a degree, when in a majority of cases these youngsters would be better off leaving school at 15 and taking up an apprenticeship.  Up to the 1970’s this provided an excellent opportunity for youngsters to learn a trade while earning a small income; and if they possessed the necessary ability could study at evening classes for a Higher National Certificate (HNC) – which in those days was the equivalent of a modern day degree.  However, the massive industrial decline that has occurred since the 1960’s has seen the opportunities for such apprenticeships diminish.  Unfortunately what engineering companies that remain are very reluctant to take on apprentices, as it is now cheaper to employ fully trained workers from Eastern Europe.

Apart from finding it difficult to get adequate training, it’s harder for a young white lad to get employment than it is for a woman or an immigrant.  Why should this be?  Well, in many organisations, such as the Fire Service, the entry requirements have been changed (lowered) so that it does not discriminate against women or ethnic minorities.  Previously, it was found that women were not strong enough to pass the physical tests; and the immigrants were not intelligent enough to have the required GCSE’s, or to pass the IQ tests.  Consequently the standards were lowered such that more women and ethnics would pass the selection process.  Once these immigrants and females passed the entry requirements, it became impossible for a selection panel to reject them for fear of costly legal action for racial or gender discrimination; hence we now have a Fire Service that is less capable due to the over-representation of women and ethnic minorities.  An indigenous white male candidate who passes all the necessary tests is more likely to be rejected for the position, simply because the selection panel knows that he has no recourse for taking legal action against them.  From a recent Freedom of Information (FoI) request it was found that even the Devon & Somerset Rescue Service employs some 10% of non-indigenous Britons; well in excess of their actual numbers, which in the area covered by Devon and Cornwall is less than 2% of the population.     

Even if a white British man is successful in being selected for a position in a government organisation, his prospects for promotion is much less than that of a women or an ethnic minority.  In a recent FoI request to the Crown Prosecution Service, it was revealed that approximately 32% of their staff are made up of ethnic minorities; well in excess of the 10% of the working population that they actually constitute.  In some Labour controlled councils immigrants make up a majority of the workforce, with white males being sidelined for promotion.

Positive discrimination has allowed people of questionable ability to be fast-tracked into senior positions, merely because of their ethnicity and not their capabilities.  Below are a few examples:   

Maggie Aderin-Pocock is the presenter of The Sky at Night. She suffers from dyslexia, yet somehow managed to get to university to study Physics, and then a Phd in Mechanical Engineering.  It is clear that her educational qualifications vastly exceeds her intellectual capabilities; so why has she been over-promoted  to appointments only the best scientists can achieve?

It was the politically-correct establishment’s wish to have a Negro women as a role model; so every effort was made to ensure that she did not fail, even though some of her past achievements are open to question. 

Michael Fuller is the former Chief Constable of Kent Police, and the first black Chief Constable in the United Kingdom.
Why was he appointed to such a senior position when there were most certainly more qualified and capable indigenous Britons available for this task?
Based on levels of IQ it is estimated that at least 2000 white Britons had to be side-tracked in order to facilitate his promotion. 
Clearly, this is a case positive discrimination to the detriment of indigenous Britons solely to satisfy the politically-correct dogma promoted by the race relations industry.

Constance Briscoe, a part time judge - one of the first black women to sit as a judge in the UK – has appeared in court charged with lying to police over the Chris Huhne speeding points swap case.  She provided police with two statements that were inaccurate.
This is another case of an immigrant being promoted well beyond her capabilities merely to satisfy politically-correct quotas for the employment of ethnic minorities.

You can take the Negro out of Africa; but you can’t take Africa out of the Negro!

None of the above people would ever had made it into these very senior positions if it hadn’t been for the introduction of positive discrimination by the Labour government of Tony Blair in its traitorous act of appeasement to the ethnic voter in its bid to retain political power.

So for an ordinary white lad to reach the upper echelons of his profession is now more difficult than since the 1950’s when social mobility was at its peak.  Most of the top jobs now go to immigrants, women, or the very wealthy who have the necessary connections and influence.        

What Can Be Done To Correct This Hate Crime Against Our Young Boys?

Since the 1950s the ethnic, social, cultural and moral fabric of our society has changed beyond all recognition for those people around during that period; although there was poverty, it was a cohesive society that shared common values.  We can never turn the clock back to that era, but we can try to bring back certain qualities that have been lost and reinforce the few remaining values that we still have.  What follows are a few suggestions that may help to improve the uncertain future our young indigenous boys face.    


Although not wanting to impose moral values onto parents, it has been established beyond all doubt that children (especially boys) perform better in all aspects of life if their parents are married and share a common desire to do the best for their children.  So one of the first things that needs to be done is to promote the institution of hetero-sexual marriage by making it financially attractive for couples by giving them tax advantages and preference to social housing, which at the moment favours single parents and immigrants.  

Parents must also be free to chastise their children if they misbehave, free from the threat of prosecution if they merely smack the child – how else is a child to learn right from wrong, and when the boundaries of good behaviour have been broken.  Chastisement should be a smack hard enough to cause discomfort; not a punch that causes bruising or blood-letting.   

Divorce is another factor that can be harmful to young boys, as in most instances it is their father who ends up being evicted from the marital home and ends up impoverished such that he is unable to afford to spend time with his sons – it is often made worse by a vindictive ex-wife.

It is still the parents who have the greatest influence over their children’s future; and it is not necessarily shortage of money that is the cause of their children’s failure, but their inability to nurture their children to make the best of their abilities.

The Schools

In its current form our education system does nothing to instil into our indigenous children a sense of national pride – in fact it seems to do everything possible to belittle Britain’s great achievements in the fields of science, medicine, literature and the arts.

Instead of pandering to the sensitivities of immigrants schools should be extolling the benefits that the British gave the world by way of its empire, such as: the abolition of slavery; a common language; an incorrupt and fair justice system; railways, roads, postal services, medical care and other governmental infrastructure services.   

The school curriculum must be modified so that it is fair to boys and does not focus on girl’s achievements, as is the current situation.

Leonardo da Vinci




Isaac Newton


James Maxwell





Nikola Tesla

Ernest Rutherford

Some years ago it was reported in one of the national newspapers that a school science department was instructed to take down pictures of famous scientists because they were all white people.  It was considered that it would be upsetting for the negro and Asian students to find that people of their racial identity were not represented in any field of scientific research or discovery.  These are the type of intellectual role-models our white boys are in need of, and should be displayed with pride regardless of what the immigrants think!


In today’s society it is hard to find good male role-models for our young white boys, as we are now dominated by a celebrity culture such that real men of stature go unnoticed and are ignored by the media.  There must be a policy of promoting the best of our most intelligent, presentable and able white men as role-models to inspire our young boys; free from the politically-correct dogma that always seems to focus on women and ethnic minorities.      

The Media

The media must stop portraying indigenous white men as the villain or half-wit in its programmes, and start showing them as intelligent caring individuals.  The practice of showing negroes with attractive blue-eyed blondes and a cluster of mulatto children must be stopped, as it indoctrinates our women with the notion that miscegenation between the races is acceptable.   


Most youngsters are not suitable (or indeed may not wish) to study for a degree at university.  It is therefore essential that these young boys are given the opportunity for further study by means of an apprenticeship where they can gain the necessary skills through additional part-time study to reach the top of their chosen profession be it engineering, construction, technology, accountancy, law or medicine.  The whole ethos of professional training must be moved away from the universities and returned to the work-place; as was the case in the 1950’s. 

However, creating high quality engineering apprenticeships may prove difficult as Britain now has so few world leading engineering companies.  This can only be corrected if the government ensured that all major contracts, such as railway trains (currently being made in Germany) or fleet refuelling vessels (currently being made in Korea) are designed and manufactured in Britain.  This is the only way that Britain’s once renown engineering excellence can be regenerated, and create the type of jobs most suitable for our young boys.   


Employment must be based solely on the ability of the candidate to do the job in question; the use of using ethnic quotas or positive discrimination to promote the employment of more ethnic minorities must be outlawed. 

Abolition of the Equality & Human Rights Act would create a fairer society for white Britons who are the only people it fails to protect; as it was drawn up as a means to persecute the indigenous population so as to empower the immigrants